SWASS Mascot

Revolutionary Tokenomics

5% Buy/Sells + 5% LP

Locked Liquidity

Contract Renounced

Telegram Chat
Swass _Charts

Swass app provides real time charting and transaction data, saving you time minimizing hassle, maximizing your returns and providing a clear line of sight across your defy tokens. On the search bar you can simply paste the token contract code, instantly check the charts, watch the live trades, and take full advantage of new opportunities. In addition to these our site offers you a number of innovative tools to help you on your trading journey.

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CoinScooper App
Listings _CoinScooper

Coin Scooper is a next generation coin listing DApp. True holder voting that allows a live measurement of community engagement for those who rank the highest! The site offers tradition voting as well as gamified achievement rankings.

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To be determined.

1. Download Trust Wallet

Simply visit trustwallet.com and download the application. The app is secure and widely used in the de-fi market. (Remember to never share your seed phrase)

2. Purchase or transfer BNB to your Trust Wallet.
3. Swap BNB for BNB Smart Chain
4. Enable Browser In Trust Wallet

Iphone:(open Safari and type trust://browser_enable into your address bar)

5. Go the the DApps tab and click on Pancake Swap

Pancake Swap is an exchange that allows users to swap BNB with defi coins.

6. Connect your wallet to Pancakeswap (top right)
7. Click 'select a currency' and enter the contract address for $SWASS
8. Set slippage in the settings icon to 11%
9. Choose the amount, then approve and swap.
Buy on PancakeSwap